Employee Development Training
Investing in employee development, workforce development, and staff training and development translates into better skills, expanded abilities, and greater loyalty and longevity among your team. By offering comprehensive learning programmes tailored to the needs of your employees, companies can make significant strides in various aspects of their operations.
a two-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
The Assertiveness session helps participants to express themselves respectfully while not alienating or hurting others. In the session, attendees learn about passive (unassertive), aggressive (overassertive), and passive-aggressive behaviour.
During the course, delegates will learn and practice effective modes of self-expression that are critical for productivity in the workplace as well as individual and collective well-being.
Delegates will be able to:
- Be honest, clear, and direct, while being considerate of others’ thoughts and feelings;
- Present ideas and opinions to others, even when they are in opposition, and
- Address speech and behavior which is offensive or bothersome.
Critical Thinking & Decision Making
a six-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
Empower people and teams with Critical Thinking principles that they can use as a guide to solve problems. In this session, we define and use the Critical Thinking process use as a reliable catalyst in solving work-related issues. The Decision Making segment focuses on how to gather data and set deadlines with actual work issues so that the behaviour is modeled and able to be replicated every time, ensuring success moving forward.
Delegates will be able to:
- Use the Critical Thinking principles and process as a reliable starting point for problems that need to be solved; and
- Make appropriate, timely, and efficient decisions making to ensure the best chance for success.
Email Etiquette
a two-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
It is crucial that written communication from your company to the public comes across as organised and clear. Concise messages present an image of expertise and confidence. This all means that communication in your business will be more efficient and that people will be more productive as a result. For staff who interact with the public, these areas of focus are necessary.
Attendees will be able to:
- Gain immediate audience awareness and determine the purpose for communication;
- Organise information in a way that is user-friendly (makes sense to the audience);
- Respond diplomatically with emotional intelligence, providing solutions for problems;
- Be clear and positive, building rapport and demonstrating expertise; and
- Articulate requests, procedures, and results, to increase efficiency.
Improving YOUR Communications
a two-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
This session takes key points from the Effective Business Writing and Introduction to Public Speaking classes and brings them together in one short learning burst for delegates. This programme focuses on audience awareness, organisation and clarity. These areas of concentration help attendees to be concise and confident in their messages.
Attendees will be able to:
- Be clear and and confident when communicating,
- Present positively and credibly to persuade and motivate,
- Manage fear of public speaking and giving presentations,
- Edit writing to create brief and powerful messages,
- Convince the audience with data and engaging stories, and
- Relax and be more natural when presenting.
Positivity in Communication & The Power of Praise
a two-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
Language affects individuals’ feelings and world view. It also has influence over receivers’ feelings and perceptions of the sender. Therefore, what we say and how we say it can have tremendous impact on ourselves and others. This session provides a critical look at how our communication affects us and others. It provides an opportunity to look at the amount of positivity and negativity in our communication (such as demands, language use, inaccurate and vague language, and inclusive / respectful communication) and the effect they have. We then discover ways to turn negativity into positivity.
The Power of Praise
Praise is a powerful motivator that makes people feel good about their work and themselves. Because of it, work performance frequently improves. In this programme, we discover the valuable (and cost-effective) tool of praise and how to use it to bring out the best in people. We also discuss what lack of praise does to staff. A quality-focused praise formula is reviewed, followed by a praise letter-writing segment.
Attendees will be able to:
- Have a more positive impact on others with more effective speech and behaviour,
- Develop a culture of greater respect, and
- Increase organisational positivity and productivity.
Stress Reduction
a two-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
“Stress” means “fear.” As one of the top negative emotions, fear blocks progress and causes people to act in ways which are not effective.
This session gives people the opportunity to identify fear (stress) sources in the lives–at work and at home–so that they can change how they view them and move to a more positive way of managing life’s challenges. The activities of the workshop get attendees to identify and evaluate beliefs and behaviors that either do or do not reduce personal fear. Because of the work of the session, delegates are more focused on action that is positivity-focused and designed to reduce personal fear.
Attendees will be able to:
- Define and evaluate personal fear or stress,
- Identify causes of stress, and
- Strategise with an action plan to manage and reduce stress (by changing perception, setting goals, allocating time more effectively, prioritizing, and changing personal influences).
Team Building & Alignment
a two-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
In this programme, delegates connect with their organisational belief system. We discover ways to support the business through speech and behaviour. Attendees will share best practices to embrace change in the organisation.
Attendees will be able to:
- Define organisational Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals;
- Identify organisation-supporting characteristics (such as team cohesiveness, organisational communication and productivity, attitude, and politics) and set appropriate, related goals;
- Define speech and behavior that supports quality improvement; and
- Manage fear of change and determine approaches to help overcome staff resistance to change.
a one- or two-hour learning session / keynote address
MEDIA TERRORISM uses one-way mass communication to generate fear or take away people’s ability to think for themselves. Because of it, most people believe that they are in constant danger. They are under the impression that the worst is going to happen. This session takes a look at these sources and provides an opportunity to generate greater awareness of the MEDIA TERRORISM problem. The programme offers a history of media techniques for generating fear and taking away peoples’ abilities to think for themselves. We also go over ways to avoid being media-manipulated.
Attendees will be able to:
- Understand the concept of “MEDIA TERRORISM” and discover how it is used to generate fear and diminish free thinking;
- Learn more about how this phenomenon has adverse effects on people at work; and
- Discover and use solutions to promote independent thinking and a questioning attitude yielding better employee health.
Anger & Conflict Management
an eight-hour learning session for up to 20 delegates
Emotional Intelligence and controlling negative emotions such as anger are crucial for success. Effective people remain calm to think clearly and make good decisions. This programme offers delegates an opportunity to react appropriately to anger. We practice techniques to control personal emotions and learn techniques to influence other people’s emotions. All of this will lead to better and more respectful workplace interactions.
Attendees will be able to:
- Learn and identify speech and behaviour that causes anger, as well as those that will create a pleasant workplace environment; and
- Learn how to avoid anger and choose assertion as a respectful way of standing up for proper workplace interactions.
Believe it or not, organisations should welcome effective Conflict because it challenges the status quo and, when appropriate, promotes the creation of new best practices. Here’ delegates learn to manage conflict and use it to help the business grow through innovation. This programme helps participants to manage and potentially resolve differences respectfully.
Attendees will be able to:
- Manage and potentially resolve conflicts;
- Overcome communication barriers (not listening, fear, closed-mindedness, negative attitude);
- Use principles and techniques to manage discord,
- Express and acknowledge emotions appropriately, and
- Negotiate and mediate to find shared solutions.
These development initiatives not only enhance individual skills but also foster a culture of continuous improvement. Through workforce development, companies can witness tangible improvements in communication, leading to a more harmonious and productive workplace. Moreover, engaged and motivated employees are more likely to stay with the organisation, reducing turnover and contributing to long-term success.
Employee development initiatives also directly impact productivity by equipping your workforce with the latest knowledge and tools. Such efforts increase engagement and retention rates, while simultaneously decreasing absenteeism, conflict, tension, and complaints. Furthermore, investing in staff training and development eliminates wasted time, as employees are better equipped to handle challenges efficiently.
By hosting employee development courses within the organisation, you send a clear message that you value your staff and are committed to their growth. This positive and proactive approach not only improves skill sets but also boosts morale, showing that the company is dedicated to preparing its workforce for success in a rapidly evolving professional landscape. As a result, these initiatives not only benefit individuals but contribute to the overall strength and competitiveness of the organisation.